What is PasteCode.dev all about?
PasteCode is a website where you can store any code online for quick sharing. The website is used by developers to share code and information about its configuration. The idea of the site is to make it easier to send large amounts of code online.
Key features of PasteCode.dev include:
- Support for up to 241 programming languages with syntax highlighting to meet your specific needs.
- Password protection and "Private" status to keep your code snippets safe.
- Ability to set an expiration date for a temporary exchange.
- Storage of code snippets without an expiration date will be stored on our site until you delete them.
What is your Acceptable Use Policy?
This website was created to help programmers working with code. But you can post any type of text to PasteCode. Please, read our terms of use before using the service.
How many pastes can I create?
The short answer is: as many as you like. There are however some limitations to fight off spammers.
How does your spam filter work?
- trying to create a certain amount of new pastes in a short period of time
- trying to create pastes with links in it
- trying to create duplicate pastes
- trying to create pastes with "suspicious" keywords in it
Who can see my pastes?
Pastes with the status "Public" (set by default) will be displayed for all users in the "Public Pastes" section and on the archive pages. You can also create "Unlisted" pastes, invisible to others until you share the link.
If you are logged in PasteCode, you can also create pastes with "Private" status. These items are only visible to you and are not displayed anywhere else. Search engines will only index publicly available pastes.
How can I get content removed?
You are only able to remove items that you created while you were logged in. If you pasted something as a guest, there is no quick delete option. You can however use the "Report abuse" button above each paste, and explain why the item has to be removed. We try to handle all removal requests within 48 hours. You can also email us.
What is the maximum paste size?
The maximum size a paste can be is 500 kb per file.
For which languages do you offer syntax highlighting?
Bash / C# / C / C++ / CSS / Delphi / HTML / JSON / Java / JavaScript / Lua / Objective C / PHP / Perl / Plaintext / Python / Ruby / Rust / SQL / Swift / TypeScript / 1C / 4D / ABAP / ABNF / Access logs / Ada / Apex / Arduino (C++ w/Arduino libs) / ARM assembler / AVR assembler / ActionScript / Alan IF / Alan / AngelScript / Apache / AppleScript / Arcade / AsciiDoc / AspectJ / AutoHotkey / AutoIt / Awk / Basic / Ballerina / BBCode / Blade (Laravel) / BNF / BQN / Brainfuck / C/AL / C3 / Cache Object Script / Candid / CMake / COBOL / CODEOWNERS / Coq / CSP / Cap’n Proto / Chaos / Chapel / Cisco CLI / Clojure / CoffeeScript / CpcdosC+ / Crmsh / Crystal / cURL / Cypher / D / Dafny / Dart / Diff / Django / DNS Zone file / Dockerfile / DOS / dsconfig / DTS (Device Tree) / Dust / Dylan / EBNF / Elixir / Elm / Erlang / Excel / Extempore / F# / FIX / Flix / Fortran / FunC / G-Code / Gams / GAUSS / GDScript / Gherkin / Glimmer and EmberJS / GN for Ninja / Go / Grammatical Framework / Golo / Gradle / GraphQL / Groovy / GSQL / HTTP / Haml / Handlebars / Haskell / Haxe / High-level shader language / Hy / Ini, TOML / Inform7 / IRPF90 / Iptables / Jolie / Julia / Kotlin / Lang / LaTeX / Leaf / Lean / Lasso / Less / LDIF / Lisp / LiveCode Server / LiveScript / LookML / Macaulay2 / Makefile / Markdown / Mathematica / Matlab / Maxima / Maya Embedded Language / Mercury / MIPS Assembler / Mint / mIRC Scripting Language / Mizar / MKB / MLIR / Mojolicious / Monkey / Moonscript / Motoko / N1QL / NSIS / Never / Nginx / Nim / Nix / Oak / Object Constraint Language / OCaml / Objective C++ / OpenGL Shading Language / OpenSCAD / Oracle Rules Language / Oxygene / Pascal / PF / Papyrus / Parser3 / Pine Script / Pony / PostgreSQL & PL/pgSQL / PowerShell / Processing / Prolog / Properties / Protocol Buffers / Puppet / Python profiler results / Python REPL / Phix / PHP Template / Q# / Q / QML / R / Razor CSHTML / ReasonML / Rebol & Red / RenderMan RIB / RenderMan RSL / Rexx / RiScript / Roboconf / Robot Framework / RPM spec files / RVT Script / SAS / SCSS / STEP Part 21 / Scala / Scheme / Scilab / SFZ / Shape Expressions / Shell / Smali / Smalltalk / SML / Solidity / Splunk SPL / Stan / Stata / Structured Text / Stylus / SubUnit / Supercollider / Svelte / Tcl / Terraform (HCL) / Test Anything Protocol / Thrift / Toit / TP / Transact-SQL / Twig / Unicorn Rails log / VB.Net / VBA / VBScript / VHDL / Vala / Verilog / Vim Script / Vue.js / X# / X++ / x86 Assembly / XL / XML / XQuery / YAML / ZenScript / Zephir / Zig
Do my pastes stay online forever?
That depends on you. You decide if you want your pastes to "expire". Setting an expiration date will automatically remove the paste after a certain amount of time. Also, as a member you can always delete your pastes whenever you like.
How do I delete my account?
You can delete your PasteCode account at any time.
What is your Acceptable Use Policy?
Broadly speaking, the site was created to help programmers. You are however welcome to post any type of text to PasteCode. Please do not post email lists, password lists or personal information. The "report abuse" feature can be used to flag such pastes, and they will be deleted. Do not aggressively spider the site. If you do want to scrape our website, use our scraping API.
How can I contact PasteCode?
Check out our contact page.