[info] xhat tools

rrixh May 02, 2024 Never 129
Plaintext xhatTools-INFO 1 lines (1 loc) | 1.24 KB
Features: • UNLIMITED Waypoints (Save and teleport) • Teleport to any player just by saying their index (number) in chat (check console for every index) • Simple to use and will have alot of features Notes: Waypoint names must only contain numbers. To refresh the player list or indexes if a player left or joins type rlist in chat How to use: • s(number) To save a waypoint • g(number) To teleport to a saved waypoint • d(number) To download a waypoint (Full code included) • rlist to refresh the player list • listwps to list waypoints check console after each command v1.1 changelogs: Made parts that act as waypoints (Waypoints are now visible from everywhere) Better code v1.2 changelogs: new command (nbps) Returns a table with information about nearby parts in a 10 stud distance another command (rj) rejoins the game v1.3 changelogs: Only made it so the script finds your character even if it's in an infinite loop of folders (Like Characters/Players/Blah/Blah/Your name) so it automatically finds it, it didn't do that before it just assumed your character was in the workspace not in folders Added another command, ;ioh make sure to add an ; before sending ioh Means Index Over Head, shows players display name, index and name over their heads.