Feb 04, 2025
This batch script is designed to start a specific executable file (RobloxPlayerBeta.exe) when a specific file (RobloxPlayerBeta.dll) is found in any directory within the current directory and its subdirectories.
Here is a breakdown of the script:
1. The script starts with `@echo off` to prevent echoing of commands to the console.
2. The `for /r %%a in (*)` loop is used to iterate through all files and directories recursively.
3. Inside the loop, if the file name with extension `RobloxPlayerBeta.dll` is found, the script saves the path of the directory containing this file in a variable `b`.
4. After finding the directory where the `RobloxPlayerBeta.dll` file is located, it starts the `RobloxPlayerBeta.exe` using the saved directory path.
5. `setlocal enabledelayedexpansion` is used to enable delayed expansion which allows variables to be expanded at execution time rather than at parse time.
6. Two variables `dot` and `msg` are initialized. `dot` is set to a dot `.` and `msg` is set to "Starting Roblox".
7. A loop `for /L %%a in (1,1,5)` is used to iterate five times. In each iteration, the script appends a dot `.` to the `msg`, prints the message, waits for 1 second using `timeout 1`, and clears the console screen.
8. Finally, the script prints the final message `Starting Roblox.....`.
Overall, this script searches for a specific DLL file, sets the directory containing that DLL file, and then starts an executable file while displaying a loading message with increasing dots before launching the application.
1 @echo off 2 for /r %%a in (*) do if "%%~nxa"=="RobloxPlayerBeta.dll" set b=%%~dpa 3 start %b%RobloxPlayerBeta.exe 4 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 5 set "dot=." 6 set "msg=Starting Roblox" 7 for /L %%a in (1,1,5) do ( 8 set msg=!msg!%dot% 9 echo !msg! 10 timeout 1 >nul 11 cls 12 ) 13 echo !msg!