1 | local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bloodball/-back-ups-for-libs/main/turtle"))() |
2 | |
3 | local OwO = library:Window("Table Turtle Hub") |
4 | |
5 | OwO:Button("Button name", function() |
6 | print("pressed button") |
7 | end) |
8 | |
9 | OwO:Toggle("Example toggle", true, function(bool) |
10 | print(bool) -- bool is true or false depending on the state of the toggle |
11 | end) |
12 | |
13 | OwO:ColorPicker("Color Picker", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), function(color) |
14 | print(color) |
15 | end) |
16 | |
17 | OwO:Slider("Example Slider",0,100,20, function(value) |
18 | print(value) |
19 | end) |
20 | |
21 | OwO:Label("Credits to Intrer#0421", Color3.fromRGB(127, 143, 166)) |
22 | |
23 | OwO:Box("Walkspeed", function(text, focuslost) |
24 | if focuslost then |
25 | print(text) |
26 | end |
27 | end) |
28 | |
29 | local dropdown = OwO:Dropdown("Example dropdown", {"Button 1", "Button 2", "Third button"}, function(name) |
30 | print(name) |
31 | end) |
32 | |
33 | dropdown:Button("New button") |
34 | |
35 | dropdown:Remove("Button") |