This code is making a cURL request to the URL '' with various headers and data parameters.
The headers being sent with the request are:
- 'Accept: application/json' to specify that the client expects a JSON response from the server.
- 'Content-Type: application/json' to specify that the data being sent in the request body is in JSON format.
- 'Authorization: Bearer YWxs...' to authenticate the request with a bearer token. The token value is not included in the provided code.
The data being sent in the request body is a JSON object containing the following parameters:
- "source": "event" specifies the source of the report data.
- "dateRange": {"start": "2023-10-30", "end": "2023-10-30"} specifies the date range for the report. In this case, it is set to a single day, October 30, 2023.
- "metrics": ["Advertiser Spend", "Advertiser ARPU", "Offer Impressions", "Offer Clicks"] specifies the metrics to include in the report.
- "splits": ["Date", "Country"] specifies how the report data should be split or grouped. In this case, it will be split by both date and country.
- "filters": [] specifies any additional filters to apply to the report. In this case, no filters are specified, so all data will be included.
By executing this code, it will send a cURL request to the specified URL with the provided headers and data. The server should respond with the requested report data in a JSON format, as requested in the "Accept" header.
1 curl --location '' \ 2 --header 'Accept: application/json' \ 3 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 4 --header 'Authorization: Bearer YWxs...' \ 5 --data '{ 6 "source": "event", 7 "dateRange": { 8 "start": "2023-10-30", 9 "end": "2023-10-30" 10 }, 11 "metrics": [ 12 "Advertiser Spend", 13 "Advertiser ARPU", 14 "Offer Impressions", 15 "Offer Clicks" 16 ], 17 "splits": [ 18 "Date", 19 "Country" 20 ], 21 "filters": [] 22 }'