Oct 12, 2024
1 import requests 2 import time 3 from colorama import init, Fore, Style 4 5 # Initialize colorama for colored console output 6 init(autoreset=True) 7 8 # URLs for task operations 9 login_url = "" 10 tasks_list_url = "" 11 start_url = "{task_id}" 12 finalize_url = "{task_id}" 13 profile_url = "" 14 bonus_daily_url = "" 15 spin_url = "" 16 17 # One-time task URLs 18 one_time_task_list_url = "" 19 one_time_task_start_url = "" 20 one_time_task_finalize_url = "" 21 22 # Partner task URLs 23 partner_tasks_list_url = "" 24 partner_start_url = "{task_id}" 25 partner_finalize_url = "{task_id}" 26 27 # Headers template (without authorization) 28 base_headers = { 29 "accept": "*/*", 30 "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br, zstd", 31 "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", 32 "content-type": "application/json", 33 "origin": "", 34 "referer": "", 35 "sec-ch-ua": '"Chromium";v="128", "Not;A=Brand";v="24", "Google Chrome";v="128"', 36 "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", 37 "sec-ch-ua-platform": '"Windows"', 38 "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" 39 } 40 41 # Function to fetch and execute regular tasks 42 def fetch_and_execute_tasks(headers, execute_tasks): 43 response_list = requests.get(tasks_list_url, headers=headers) 44 if response_list.status_code == 200: 45 tasks_data = response_list.json().get("tasks", []) 46 not_finalized_tasks = [task for task in tasks_data if not task.get("completed")] 47 specific_task_ids = {1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14} # IDs that cause the script to skip if they are the only ones left 48 49 # Collect IDs of not finalized tasks 50 not_finalized_ids = {task.get("id") for task in not_finalized_tasks} 51 52 # Check if only the specific tasks (except ID 4) are not finished, or if the specific tasks + ID 4 are not finished 53 if (not_finalized_ids.issubset(specific_task_ids) and len(not_finalized_ids) == len(not_finalized_tasks)) or (not_finalized_ids.issubset(specific_task_ids.union({4})) and len(not_finalized_ids) == len(not_finalized_tasks)): 54 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping regular tasks as only specific tasks (IDs: {', '.join(map(str, not_finalized_ids))}) are not finalized.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 55 return 56 57 for task in tasks_data: 58 task_id = task.get("id") 59 task_title = task.get("data", {}).get("title", "Unnamed Task") 60 completed = task.get("completed") 61 62 if not completed and execute_tasks: 63 execute_task(task_id, task_title, headers) 64 else: 65 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPED] Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) skipped or already completed.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 66 else: 67 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Failed to get regular tasks list with Status Code: {response_list.status_code}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 68 69 # Function to execute a regular task 70 def execute_task(task_id, task_title, headers): 71 start_task_url = start_url.format(task_id=task_id) 72 finalize_task_url = finalize_url.format(task_id=task_id) 73 payload = {"id": task_id} 74 75 response_start =, headers=headers, json=payload) 76 if response_start.status_code == 200: 77 response_finalize =, headers=headers, json=payload) 78 if response_finalize.status_code == 200: 79 print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[✅] Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) Finalized Successfully.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 80 else: 81 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Finalizing Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) Failed (Status Code: {response_finalize.status_code}).{Style.RESET_ALL}") 82 else: 83 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Starting Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) Failed (Status Code: {response_start.status_code}).{Style.RESET_ALL}") 84 85 # Function to fetch and execute one-time tasks 86 def fetch_and_execute_one_time_tasks(headers, execute_tasks): 87 if not execute_tasks: 88 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping one-time tasks execution.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 89 return 90 91 response_list = requests.get(one_time_task_list_url, headers=headers) 92 if response_list.status_code == 200: 93 tasks_data = response_list.json().get("tasks", []) 94 not_finalized_tasks = [task for task in tasks_data if not task.get("completed")] 95 96 # Check if Task ID 1 is the only one not finalized and skip all one-time tasks 97 if len(not_finalized_tasks) == 1 and not_finalized_tasks[0].get("id") == 1: 98 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping one-time tasks as only Task ID 1 is not finalized.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 99 return 100 101 for task in tasks_data: 102 task_id = task.get("id") 103 task_title = task.get("data", {}).get("title", "Unnamed Task") 104 completed = task.get("completed") 105 106 if not completed: 107 execute_one_time_task(task_id, task_title, headers) 108 else: 109 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[COMPLETED] One-Time Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) is already completed.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 110 else: 111 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Failed to get one-time tasks list with Status Code: {response_list.status_code}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 112 113 # Function to execute a one-time task 114 def execute_one_time_task(task_id, task_title, headers): 115 start_task_url = one_time_task_start_url.format(task_id=task_id) 116 finalize_task_url = one_time_task_finalize_url.format(task_id=task_id) 117 payload = {"id": task_id} 118 119 response_start =, headers=headers, json=payload) 120 if response_start.status_code == 200: 121 response_finalize =, headers=headers, json=payload) 122 if response_finalize.status_code == 200: 123 print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[✅] One-Time Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) Finalized Successfully.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 124 else: 125 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Finalizing One-Time Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) Failed (Status Code: {response_finalize.status_code}).{Style.RESET_ALL}") 126 else: 127 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Starting One-Time Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) Failed (Status Code: {response_start.status_code}).{Style.RESET_ALL}") 128 129 # Function to fetch and execute partner tasks 130 def fetch_and_execute_partner_tasks(headers, execute_tasks): 131 if not execute_tasks: 132 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping partner tasks execution.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 133 return 134 135 response_list = requests.get(partner_tasks_list_url, headers=headers) 136 if response_list.status_code == 200: 137 tasks_data = response_list.json().get("tasks", []) 138 all_completed = all(task.get("completed") for task in tasks_data) 139 140 # Check if all partner tasks are completed and skip 141 if all_completed: 142 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping partner tasks as all tasks are completed.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 143 return 144 145 for task in tasks_data: 146 task_id = task.get("id") 147 task_title = task.get("data", {}).get("title", "Unnamed Partner Task") 148 completed = task.get("completed") 149 150 if not completed: 151 execute_partner_task(task_id, task_title, headers) 152 else: 153 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[COMPLETED] Partner Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) is already completed.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 154 else: 155 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Failed to get partner tasks list with Status Code: {response_list.status_code}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 156 157 # Function to execute a partner task 158 def execute_partner_task(task_id, task_title, headers): 159 start_task_url = partner_start_url.format(task_id=task_id) 160 finalize_task_url = partner_finalize_url.format(task_id=task_id) 161 payload = {"id": task_id} 162 163 response_start =, headers=headers, json=payload) 164 if response_start.status_code == 200: 165 response_finalize =, headers=headers, json=payload) 166 if response_finalize.status_code == 200: 167 print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[✅] Partner Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) Finalized Successfully.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 168 else: 169 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Finalizing Partner Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) Failed (Status Code: {response_finalize.status_code}).{Style.RESET_ALL}") 170 else: 171 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Starting Partner Task '{task_title}' (ID: {task_id}) Failed (Status Code: {response_start.status_code}).{Style.RESET_ALL}") 172 173 # Define a global flag to exit all executions 174 global_exit_flag = False 175 176 # Function to handle the global exit condition 177 def check_exit_condition(user_input): 178 global global_exit_flag 179 if user_input == "exit": 180 global_exit_flag = True 181 182 # Function to fetch and display balances (without proxy) 183 def fetch_balances(headers, print_balance=False): 184 response_profile = requests.get(profile_url, headers=headers) # No proxy used here 185 if response_profile.status_code == 200: 186 profile_data = response_profile.json() 187 points_balance = profile_data.get("pointsBalance", 0) 188 stars_balance = profile_data.get("starsBalance", 0) 189 if print_balance and points_balance > 0: 190 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[🪙] Updated Points Balance: {points_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 191 return points_balance, stars_balance 192 else: 193 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Failed to fetch profile information.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 194 return 0, 0 195 196 # Function to claim daily bonus 197 def claim_daily_bonus(headers): 198 payload = {"withMultiplier": True} 199 response_bonus =, headers=headers, json=payload) 200 if response_bonus.status_code == 200: 201 reward = response_bonus.json().get("reward", "No reward found") 202 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}\n[⭐️] Reward: {reward}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") 203 else: 204 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Daily Bonus Claim Failed{Style.RESET_ALL}") 205 206 # Updated execute_spin function to ensure winAmount is printed for each spin in fixed mode 207 def execute_spin(headers): 208 global global_exit_flag 209 210 # Fetch initial balances 211 points_balance, stars_balance = fetch_balances(headers, print_balance=False) 212 213 if points_balance > 0: 214 print(f"Points balance is sufficient for a spin: {Fore.GREEN}{points_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 215 216 # Display options for spin mode selection 217 print("Choose spin mode:") 218 print("1. Manual") 219 print("2. Fixed") 220 221 while True: 222 spin_mode_choice = input("Enter the number: ").strip().lower() 223 check_exit_condition(spin_mode_choice) 224 if global_exit_flag: 225 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[EXIT] Exiting spin execution. Final Stars Balance: {stars_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 226 return 227 228 if spin_mode_choice == "skip": 229 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping all spin executions.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 230 return 231 232 if spin_mode_choice == "1": 233 spin_mode = "manual" 234 break 235 elif spin_mode_choice == "2": 236 spin_mode = "fixed" 237 break 238 else: 239 print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid choice. Please select either '1', '2', 'skip', or 'exit'.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 240 241 if spin_mode == 'manual': 242 # Manual mode: get bet and chance value for each spin execution 243 skip_manual = False 244 while not skip_manual: 245 points_balance, stars_balance, skip_manual = spin_single_execution(headers, points_balance, stars_balance, is_manual=True) 246 if points_balance <= 0 or global_exit_flag or skip_manual: 247 break 248 249 elif spin_mode == 'fixed': 250 try: 251 # Fixed mode: Get fixed bet and chance value 252 fixed_bet = None 253 fixed_chance = None 254 num_executions = None 255 256 # Input for fixed bet value 257 while fixed_bet is None: 258 fixed_bet_input = input("Enter the fixed bet value: ").strip().lower() 259 check_exit_condition(fixed_bet_input) 260 if global_exit_flag: 261 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[EXIT] Exiting spin execution. Final Stars Balance: {stars_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 262 return 263 if fixed_bet_input == "skip": 264 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping all spin executions.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 265 return 266 try: 267 fixed_bet = int(fixed_bet_input) 268 except ValueError: 269 print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid input for fixed bet value. Please enter a numeric value or type 'skip' or 'exit'.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 270 271 # Input for fixed chance value 272 while fixed_chance is None: 273 fixed_chance_input = input("Enter the fixed chance value: ").strip().lower() 274 check_exit_condition(fixed_chance_input) 275 if global_exit_flag: 276 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[EXIT] Exiting spin execution. Final Stars Balance: {stars_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 277 return 278 if fixed_chance_input == "skip": 279 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping all spin executions.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 280 return 281 try: 282 fixed_chance = int(fixed_chance_input) 283 except ValueError: 284 print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid input for fixed chance value. Please enter a numeric value or type 'skip' or 'exit'.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 285 286 # Input for number of executions 287 while num_executions is None: 288 num_executions_input = input("Enter the number of spin executions: ").strip().lower() 289 check_exit_condition(num_executions_input) 290 if global_exit_flag: 291 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[EXIT] Final Stars Balance: {stars_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 292 return 293 if num_executions_input == "skip": 294 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping all spin executions.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 295 return 296 try: 297 num_executions = int(num_executions_input) 298 except ValueError: 299 print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid input for number of executions. Please enter a numeric value or type 'skip' or 'exit'.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 300 301 # Execute as many spins as possible until points balance is insufficient 302 for i in range(num_executions): 303 # Check if balance is enough for another spin 304 if points_balance < fixed_bet: 305 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}Insufficient points balance for the next execution. Exiting spin function and proceeding to next operations.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 306 break 307 308 # Execute spin with current balance 309 print(f"Executing spin {i+1}/{num_executions} with bet: {fixed_bet}, chance: {fixed_chance}") 310 points_balance, stars_balance, skip_execution = spin_single_execution( 311 headers, points_balance, stars_balance, bet=fixed_bet, chance=fixed_chance, fast_mode=False # fast_mode set to False to print winAmount 312 ) 313 if global_exit_flag or skip_execution: 314 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[EXIT] Spin execution interrupted. Exiting...{Style.RESET_ALL}") 315 break 316 317 except ValueError: 318 print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid input for bet, chance, or number of executions. Please enter numeric values.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 319 return 320 321 else: 322 print(f"{Fore.RED}Insufficient points balance to perform a spin.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 323 324 325 # Helper function to handle single spin execution based on input mode (no proxy) 326 def spin_single_execution(headers, points_balance=0, stars_balance=0, is_manual=False, bet=None, chance=None, fast_mode=False): 327 global global_exit_flag 328 329 if is_manual: 330 # Prompt user to enter bet and chance values manually 331 try: 332 bet_input = input("Enter the bet value: ").strip().lower() 333 check_exit_condition(bet_input) 334 if global_exit_flag: 335 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[EXIT] Final Stars Balance: {stars_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 336 return points_balance, stars_balance, True 337 338 if bet_input == "skip": 339 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping all spin executions.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 340 return points_balance, stars_balance, True 341 342 bet = int(bet_input) 343 344 chance_input = input("Enter the chance value: ").strip().lower() 345 check_exit_condition(chance_input) 346 if global_exit_flag: 347 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[EXIT] Exiting spin execution. Final Stars Balance: {stars_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 348 return points_balance, stars_balance, True 349 350 if chance_input == "skip": 351 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[SKIPPING] Skipping all spin executions.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 352 return points_balance, stars_balance, True 353 354 chance = int(chance_input) 355 356 except ValueError: 357 print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid input for bet or chance. Please enter numeric values or type 'skip' or 'exit'.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 358 return points_balance, stars_balance, False 359 360 # Prepare and execute spin with the provided or entered bet and chance 361 payload = {"bet": bet, "chance": chance} 362 363 # Execute spin without proxy 364 response_spin =, headers=headers, json=payload) 365 366 if response_spin.status_code == 200: 367 win_amount = response_spin.json().get("winAmount", "No win amount found") 368 print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[✅] Win Amount: {win_amount}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") # Always print winAmount 369 else: 370 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Spin Action Failed{Style.RESET_ALL}") 371 print(f"Status Code: {response_spin.status_code}, Response: {response_spin.text}") 372 return points_balance, stars_balance, False 373 374 # Fetch and update points balance after each spin 375 points_balance, stars_balance = fetch_balances(headers, print_balance=False) 376 377 # Print updated points balance only if it is greater than zero 378 if points_balance > 0: 379 print(f"Points balance: {Fore.YELLOW}{points_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 380 else: 381 print(f"{Fore.RED}Points balance is zero or less. Exiting spin function.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 382 383 return points_balance, stars_balance, False 384 385 # Updated login function using proxy 386 def login_and_execute_tasks(payload): 387 global global_exit_flag 388 if global_exit_flag: 389 return payload['firstName'], 0 390 391 headers = base_headers.copy() 392 headers["authorization"] = payload["authorization"] 393 394 # Define and set proxy only for login request 395 proxy = { 396 "http": "http://mr36274cxgZ:[email protected]:44443", 397 "https": "http://mr36274cxgZ:[email protected]:44443" 398 } 399 400 # Login request with proxy 401 login_response =, headers=headers, json=payload, proxies=proxy) 402 if login_response.status_code == 200: 403 print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[👤] Login Successful: {payload['firstName']}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 404 405 # Fetch the IP address using the proxy to verify it 406 try: 407 ip_response = requests.get("", proxies=proxy) 408 if ip_response.status_code == 200: 409 ip_address = ip_response.json().get("ip") 410 print(f"{Fore.CYAN}[🌐] Fetched IP Address via Proxy: {ip_address}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 411 else: 412 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Failed to fetch IP address via proxy. Status Code: {ip_response.status_code}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 413 except Exception as e: 414 print(f"{Fore.RED}[‼️] Error fetching IP address via proxy: {e}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 415 416 # Fetch and display initial balances (no proxy) 417 points_balance, stars_balance = fetch_balances(headers, print_balance=False) 418 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[🪙] Points Balance: {points_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 419 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[⭐️] Stars Balance: {stars_balance}\n{Style.RESET_ALL}") 420 421 # Execute spin if points balance is greater than 0 422 if points_balance > 0: 423 execute_spin(headers) # No proxy for spins 424 if global_exit_flag: 425 return payload['firstName'], stars_balance 426 427 # Claim bonus and execute tasks if user did not request exit 428 claim_daily_bonus(headers) 429 fetch_and_execute_tasks(headers, execute_tasks=True) 430 fetch_and_execute_one_time_tasks(headers, execute_tasks=True) 431 fetch_and_execute_partner_tasks(headers, execute_tasks=True) 432 433 # Recheck points balance after task execution 434 points_balance, stars_balance = fetch_balances(headers, print_balance=True) 435 if points_balance > 0: 436 print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[🪙] Points Balance After Task Execution: {points_balance}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 437 execute_spin(headers) # No proxy for spins 438 else: 439 print(f"{Fore.RED}Points balance is zero after tasks execution. No spin available.{Style.RESET_ALL}") 440 else: 441 print(f"{Fore.RED}[x] Login Failed for {payload['firstName']} with Status Code: {login_response.status_code}{Style.RESET_ALL}") 442 443 print("-" * 30 + "\n") 444 445 # Return the user's first name and updated star balance 446 return payload['firstName'], stars_balance 447 448 # Function to execute login and task execution sequentially and display updated star balances at the end 449 def execute_sequentially(): 450 global global_exit_flag 451 star_balances = [] # List to store star balances 452 453 for payload in login_payloads: 454 name, stars_balance = login_and_execute_tasks(payload) # Get name and star balance 455 star_balances.append((name, stars_balance)) # Append to list 456 if global_exit_flag: 457 break 458 459 # Print updated star balances at the end 460 print("---- Updated Star Balances ----\n") 461 for name, balance in star_balances: 462 print(f"Name: {name}") 463 print(f"Stars Balance: {balance}") 464 print("-" * 30) 465 466 467 login_payloads = [ 468 { 469 "firstName": "Gerald", 470 "lastName": "", 471 "isPremium": False, 472 "language": "en", 473 "avatar": "", 474 "platform": "web", 475 "referrer": None, 476 "username": "", 477 "authorization": "dXNlcj0lN0IlMjJpZCUyMiUzQTY2Njg4ODU1MDclMkMlMjJmaXJzdF9uYW1lJTIyJTNBJTIyR2VyYWxkJTIyJTJDJTIybGFzdF9uYW1lJTIyJTNBJTIyJTIyJTJDJTIydXNlcm5hbWUlMjIlM0ElMjJHZXJhbGQyODEyJTIyJTJDJTIybGFuZ3VhZ2VfY29kZSUyMiUzQSUyMmVuJTIyJTJDJTIyYWxsb3dzX3dyaXRlX3RvX3BtJTIyJTNBdHJ1ZSU3RCZjaGF0X2luc3RhbmNlPTc1MTE4OTkxMzcwNDI3ODg4MTAmY2hhdF90eXBlPXNlbmRlciZhdXRoX2RhdGU9MTcyNzE3MTM3MiZoYXNoPTI4ODZlYzU4ZGNmMDRiZWM4ZTJkYTRlYjA0YmY1MDA4YzA5MjI2ZTZlNWMyMDViNGUwOTk5OGVkY2EzZmIyNmY=" 478 }, 479 { 480 "firstName": "Mar", 481 "lastName": "", 482 "isPremium": False, 483 "language": "en", 484 "avatar": "", 485 "platform": "web", 486 "referrer": None, 487 "username": "", 488 "authorization": "dXNlcj0lN0IlMjJpZCUyMiUzQTcyNjkwMTE2OTIlMkMlMjJmaXJzdF9uYW1lJTIyJTNBJTIyTWFyJTIyJTJDJTIybGFzdF9uYW1lJTIyJTNBJTIyJTIyJTJDJTIydXNlcm5hbWUlMjIlM0ElMjJNYXIxMjEyMjAwMSUyMiUyQyUyMmxhbmd1YWdlX2NvZGUlMjIlM0ElMjJlbiUyMiUyQyUyMmFsbG93c193cml0ZV90b19wbSUyMiUzQXRydWUlN0QmY2hhdF9pbnN0YW5jZT0tOTE2MjkwMzA1NjMyMTMzMTAzJmNoYXRfdHlwZT1zZW5kZXImYXV0aF9kYXRlPTE3MjcxNzEyNzQmaGFzaD04MmZlOGIxOGMyMjI5Y2EyMGQxZjE3MTljMGM5MzIwZWY2NWZkYTM4YjNjMzBkODZmZmY3NDZhNGMwMGYyYjgz" 489 }, 490 { 491 "firstName": "John", 492 "lastName": "Abrusal", 493 "isPremium": False, 494 "language": "en", 495 "avatar": "", 496 "platform": "web", 497 "referrer": None, 498 "username": "John29118", 499 "authorization": "dXNlcj0lN0IlMjJpZCUyMiUzQTc0OTg2MDQ5MTAlMkMlMjJmaXJzdF9uYW1lJTIyJTNBJTIySm9obiUyMiUyQyUyMmxhc3RfbmFtZSUyMiUzQSUyMkFicnVzYWwlMjIlMkMlMjJ1c2VybmFtZSUyMiUzQSUyMkpvaG4yOTExOCUyMiUyQyUyMmxhbmd1YWdlX2NvZGUlMjIlM0ElMjJlbiUyMiUyQyUyMmFsbG93c193cml0ZV90b19wbSUyMiUzQXRydWUlN0QmY2hhdF9pbnN0YW5jZT0tNjcyMDUxNTUzMjc0NjY0MTg5OSZjaGF0X3R5cGU9c2VuZGVyJmF1dGhfZGF0ZT0xNzI3MTcxMTI1Jmhhc2g9ZWQzNzY5Y2I4NDMwNmYwYTdlOGU4YWRjMGQ1ZGNlYWI4OTIzZTEyM2VlNTQ3OTQ5NTNhZmQ1YmE2NTdhYTEyNQ==" 500 }, 501 { 502 "firstName": "Santos", 503 "lastName": "🦴", 504 "isPremium": False, 505 "language": "en", 506 "avatar": "", 507 "platform": "web", 508 "referrer": None, 509 "username": "Mich2317", 510 "authorization": "dXNlcj0lN0IlMjJpZCUyMiUzQTUwOTMyNjUzNzQlMkMlMjJmaXJzdF9uYW1lJTIyJTNBJTIyU2FudG9zJTIyJTJDJTIybGFzdF9uYW1lJTIyJTNBJTIyJUYwJTlGJUE2JUI0JTIyJTJDJTIydXNlcm5hbWUlMjIlM0ElMjJNaWNoMjMxNyUyMiUyQyUyMmxhbmd1YWdlX2NvZGUlMjIlM0ElMjJlbiUyMiUyQyUyMmFsbG93c193cml0ZV90b19wbSUyMiUzQXRydWUlN0QmY2hhdF9pbnN0YW5jZT00MTMzMzEyNjMyNDQ4NDIxNDQyJmNoYXRfdHlwZT1zZW5kZXImYXV0aF9kYXRlPTE3MjcxNzAyNjMmaGFzaD1mNjM5NWE0NDJiNWQ2YzdlNWYwOWY5OTBiMTNiMDJlYjk5Nzg2Y2FiYjEwODIwNWU1ZTdkZWZlMzNiY2E0MjU0" 511 }, 512 { 513 "firstName": "Ryze 🦴", 514 "lastName": "", 515 "isPremium": False, 516 "language": "en", 517 "avatar": "", 518 "platform": "web", 519 "referrer": None, 520 "username": "Ryze691", 521 "authorization": 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