Jan 10, 2025
This code is a template for an HTML document that seems to be related to showcasing and selling a custom engraved bracelet product on an e-commerce platform. Here is an analysis of the code:
1. The template is using Liquid, a templating language used in platforms like Shopify, to dynamically render content. Variables in double curly braces such as `{{ shop.locale }}`, `{{ product.title }}`, and `{{ product.description }}` will be replaced with actual values stored in the corresponding variables.
2. The code includes sections for Hero, Product Details, Testimonials, Call to Action, and Footer. Each section contains content related to the product, customer testimonials, subscription form, and copyright information.
3. The template includes CSS stylesheets (`styles.css` and `landing-page.css`) to style the layout of the page.
4. Images are being loaded dynamically by using filters like `asset_url` and `img_url` to generate the correct image URLs.
5. The product details section includes information such as product description, price, and an "Add to Cart" form that submits the product variant ID to `/cart/add`.
6. Testimonials from customers are displayed in the testimonials section to provide social proof about the product.
7. The call-to-action section encourages users to subscribe for exclusive offers and product updates by providing an email subscription form.
8. The footer section displays the copyright information dynamically using the current year and the shop's name.
Overall, this code serves as a structured layout for a landing page promoting a custom engraved bracelet product, with dynamic content rendering using Liquid templating and integration with CSS stylesheets for styling.
1 {% layout none %} 2 3 <!DOCTYPE html> 4 <html lang="{{ shop.locale }}"> 5 <head> 6 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 7 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 8 <title>{{ product.title }} - {{ shop.name }}</title> 9 <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'styles.css' | asset_url }}"> 10 </head> 11 <body> 12 13 <!-- Hero Section --> 14 <section class="hero" style="background-image: url('{{ 'your-hero-image-url.jpg' | asset_url }}');"> 15 <div class="container"> 16 <h1>{{ product.title }}</h1> 17 <p>Capture your most cherished moments with our custom engraved bracelets.</p> 18 <a href="#buy-now" class="btn-primary">Buy Now</a> 19 </div> 20 </section> 21 22 <!-- Product Detail Section --> 23 <section class="product-details"> 24 <div class="container"> 25 <div class="product-images"> 26 <img src="{{ product.featured_image | img_url: 'large' }}" alt="{{ product.title }}"> 27 <div class="thumbnails"> 28 {% for image in product.images %} 29 <img src="{{ image | img_url: 'small' }}" alt="{{ product.title }}" class="thumbnail-img"> 30 {% endfor %} 31 </div> 32 </div> 33 <div class="product-info"> 34 <h2>About this Bracelet</h2> 35 <p>{{ product.description }}</p> 36 <p class="price">{{ product.price | money }}</p> 37 <form action="/cart/add" method="post" id="add-to-cart-form"> 38 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ product.variants.first.id }}"> 39 <button type="submit" class="btn-primary">Add to Cart</button> 40 </form> 41 </div> 42 </div> 43 </section> 44 45 <!-- Testimonials Section --> 46 <section class="testimonials"> 47 <div class="container"> 48 <h2>What Our Customers Are Saying</h2> 49 <div class="testimonial-card"> 50 <p>"Absolutely love this bracelet! It's a perfect gift and the engraving is beautiful."</p> 51 <p>- Happy Customer</p> 52 </div> 53 <div class="testimonial-card"> 54 <p>"The quality is outstanding and the customization was easy. Highly recommend!"</p> 55 <p>- Satisfied Buyer</p> 56 </div> 57 </div> 58 </section> 59 60 <!-- Call to Action --> 61 <section class="call-to-action"> 62 <div class="container"> 63 <h2>Join Our Community</h2> 64 <p>Subscribe to get exclusive offers and stay updated on new products.</p> 65 <form action="/contact#contact_form" method="post"> 66 <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Enter your email" required> 67 <button type="submit" class="btn-primary">Subscribe</button> 68 </form> 69 </div> 70 </section> 71 72 <footer> 73 <div class="container"> 74 <p>© {{ 'now' | date: '%Y' }} {{ shop.name }}. All Rights Reserved.</p> 75 </div> 76 </footer> 77 78 <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'landing-page.css' | asset_url }}"> 79 </body> 80 </html>