This code is a Lua script that seems to be designed to clear a player's character of items and body parts, and then apply the appearance of another player (specified by `targetUserId`) to the local player's character.
Here is an analysis of the code:
1. The code first loads a remote Lua script from a URL using `loadstring(game:HttpGet(...))()` which can execute Lua code from a remote source.
2. It defines a function `clearCharacter(character)` to remove all items and body parts from the input character, based on their types (Accessory, Hat, Part, MeshPart, UnionOperation, Shirt, Pants, CharacterMesh).
3. It defines a function `applyAppearance(character)` that applies the appearance of the target user specified by `targetUserId` to the given character. This includes copying Accessories, Hats, Shirts, Pants, CharacterMesh, BodyColors, Decals (specifically for the face) from the target user's appearance model to the local player's character.
4. It connects a function to the `player.CharacterAdded` event to clear the character and apply appearance when a new character is added.
5. It immediately checks if the player already has a character (`player.Character` is not nil) and performs the same operation.
Overall, this code is designed to customize the appearance of the local player's character based on the appearance of another player specified by `targetUserId`. It clears the existing character and then applies the appearance attributes from the target player's model to the local player's character.
1 -- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() 2 3 local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer 4 local targetUserId = 1272545967 5 6 -- Function to clear all items and body parts from the player's character 7 local function clearCharacter(character) 8 for _, item in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do 9 if item:IsA("Accessory") or item:IsA("Hat") then 10 item:Destroy() 11 elseif item:IsA("Part") or item:IsA("MeshPart") or item:IsA("UnionOperation") then 12 if not item.Name:find("HumanoidRootPart") then 13 item:Destroy() 14 end 15 elseif item:IsA("Shirt") or item:IsA("Pants") or item:IsA("CharacterMesh") then 16 item:Destroy() 17 end 18 end 19 end 20 21 -- Function to apply the target player's appearance to the local player, focusing on the face 22 local function applyAppearance(character) 23 local appearanceModel = game.Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(targetUserId) 24 for _, item in pairs(appearanceModel:GetChildren()) do 25 if item:IsA("Accessory") or item:IsA("Hat") then 26 local clone = item:Clone() 27 clone.Parent = character 28 elseif item:IsA("Shirt") or item:IsA("Pants") or item:IsA("CharacterMesh") then 29 local clone = item:Clone() 30 clone.Parent = character 31 elseif item:IsA("BodyColors") then 32 local bodyColors = character:FindFirstChild("Body Colors") 33 if bodyColors then 34 bodyColors:Destroy() 35 end 36 local clone = item:Clone() 37 clone.Parent = character 38 elseif item:IsA("Part") or item:IsA("MeshPart") or item:IsA("UnionOperation") then 39 if not item.Name:find("HumanoidRootPart") then 40 local targetPart = character:FindFirstChild(item.Name) 41 if targetPart then 42 targetPart:Destroy() 43 local clone = item:Clone() 44 clone.Parent = character 45 end 46 end 47 elseif item:IsA("Decal") and item.Name == "face" then 48 local head = character:FindFirstChild("Head") 49 if head then 50 local currentFace = head:FindFirstChild("face") 51 if currentFace then 52 currentFace:Destroy() 53 end 54 local clone = item:Clone() 55 clone.Parent = head 56 end 57 end 58 end 59 end 60 61 -- Main execution 62 player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) 63 clearCharacter(character) 64 applyAppearance(character) 65 end) 66 67 if player.Character then 68 clearCharacter(player.Character) 69 applyAppearance(player.Character) 70 end