1 | |
2 | |
3 | getgenv()._= |
4 | "Join discord.gg/msgabv2t9Q | discord.gg/stando to get latest update ok bai | If you pay for this script you get scammed, this script is completely free ok" |
5 | |
6 | getgenv().Owner = "OWNER_USERNAME_HERE" |
7 | |
8 | getgenv().Configuration = { |
9 | ['Msg'] = 'Yare Yare Daze.', --When You Say [/e msg] It Makes All The Alts Say That Message |
10 | ['CrewID'] = 32570691, --Must join group |
11 | ['Attack'] = 'Heavy', --[Heavy | Light] Heavy = Super Punch Light = Spam Punch |
12 | ['TPMode'] = "Cart", --[Knock | Cart] --Teleport mode |
13 | ['GunMode'] = 'Under', --[Sky | Under] The Stand Will Shooting Just Like What In The Settings |
14 | ['FlyMode'] = 'Glide', --[Glide | FlyV1 | FlyV2 | Hover | Heaven ] |
15 | ['Position'] = 'Back', --[Back | Left | Right | Mid | UpMid | UpLeft | UpLeft | Walk ] |
16 | ['Resolver'] = false, --[true | false] Turn On Or Off Resolver If Someone Using Anti Lock [This only applied to attack only for guns it's already have resolver] |
17 | ['ChatCmds'] = true, --[true | false] if true stand talks to you |
18 | ['AutoMask'] = true, --[true | false] Auto Buy Mask When The Stand Respawn |
19 | ['MaskMode'] = 'Breathing', --[Surgeon | Paintball | Skull | Pumpkin | Hockey | Ninja | Riot | Breathing] The Stand Will Buy The Mask You Selected |
20 | ['AntiStomp'] = true, --[true | false] The Stand Will Cannot Be Stomped Or Grabbed |
21 | ['StandMode'] = 'Star Platinum : OverHeaven', --[Star Platinum : OverHeaven | Star Platinum: The World | Star Platinum, Za Warudo! | TheWorld | Cmoon | King Crimson | Killer Queen | MIH | D4C] |
22 | ['Smoothing'] = false, --[true | false] if true stand will follow you smoothly |
23 | ['AttackMode'] = 'Sky', --[Sky | Under] If [Sky] The Stand Will Attack Infront Of Target And If [Under] The Stand Will Attack In Underground |
24 | ['CustomName'] = 'Master', --Custom Name Text Default Is [Master] Example Of it 'Im Here, Master' |
25 | ['Hidescreen'] = false, --[true | false] If you set it to true you will see white blank screen [Save up gpu usage] |
26 | ['SummonPoses'] = 'Pose3', --[false | Pose1 | Pose2 | Pose3] |
27 | ['LowGraphics'] = false, --[true | false] Turns graphics down so your stand doesnt lag too much |
28 | ['CustomPrefix'] = '.', --[ ! | / | . | ? | > | < | $ | ; | : ] Custom target prefix |
29 | ['CustomSummon'] = 'Summon!', --Custom [Summon!] Text |
30 | ['GunPrediction'] = 0.037, --Gun prediction [this is auto prediction sets] |
31 | ['AutoPrediction'] = false, --[true | false] Turn On Or Off Auto Prediction |
32 | ['AttackDistance'] = 75, --Attack distance for "Attack!, Stab!, Gkill!" max distance |
33 | ['AutoSaveLocation'] = 'Downhill_Rooftop', --[Downhill_Rooftop | Uphill_Rooftop | DA_FURNITURE ] |
34 | ['AttackPrediction'] = 0.34, --Prediction For Attack Or Targetting |
35 | ['AttackAutoPrediction'] = 0.23, --Prediction For Attack Or Targetting |
36 | --// ! Sounds ! \\-- |
37 | --\\ MUST HAVE BOOMBOX //-- |
38 | ['Sounds'] = true, --[true | false] |
39 | ['CustomSong'] = 123456, --Enter A Song ID And Say 'Song!' |
40 | ['SummonMusic'] = true, --[true | false] |
41 | ['HideBoombox'] = true, --Hide or show boombox on the stand back (WIth hide boombox true it can bugged stand sometime) |
42 | ['SummonMusicID'] = 'Default' -- Enter a Sound ID Put [Default] If You Would Like The Default Sound |
43 | }loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://xk5ng.github.io/V4.7"))() |
44 | |