This code is a Lua script written for the Roblox platform. It creates a GUI for bringing players in a Roblox game closer to each other. Here's a summary of the main points in the given code:
1. The script initializes various variables to get game instances (like Players, Workspace), services (like UserInputService, RunService), functions, and constants.
2. The `gp` function is defined to find a child of a given instance by name and class.
3. Several instances like Frame, TextLabel, TextBox, TextButton, ScreenGui, etc., are created and configured to create a GUI window.
4. The `Draggable` function is defined to make the created window draggable.
5. The script maintains a list of other players in the game and listens to player-related events like PlayerAdded and PlayerRemoving.
6. The `findplr` function is defined to find a player based on the input string.
7. The GUI elements are updated based on the player selection.
8. The `notify` function displays a temporary notification on the screen.
9. The `bringing` functionality brings a selected player closer to the local player's character using velocity calculations.
10. The script tries to parent the GUI under CoreGui and falls back to PlayerGui.
Overall, the code creates a GUI for selecting players and bringing them closer in a Roblox game environment. There are functions to manage player interactions, notifications, and the dragging behavior of the GUI window.
1 local plrs=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("Players") 2 local lp=plrs.LocalPlayer 3 local ws=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("Workspace") 4 local uis=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("UserInputService") 5 local rs=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("RunService") 6 local heartbeat=rs.Heartbeat 7 local renderstepped=rs.RenderStepped 8 local angles=CFrame.Angles 9 local 10 local 11 local v3_010=v3(0,1,0) 12 local v3_0=v3(0,0,0) 13 local osclock=os.clock 14 local twait=task.wait 15 local slower=string.lower 16 local ssub=string.sub 17 18 local speeding=32 19 local maxspeed=75 20 local off=angles(-1.5707963267948966,0,0) 21 22 local function gp(p,n,cl) 23 if typeof(p)=="Instance" then 24 local c=p:GetChildren() 25 for i=1,#c do 26 local v=c[i] 27 if (v.Name==n) and v:IsA(cl) then 28 return v 29 end 30 end 31 end 32 return nil 33 end 34 35 local 36 local 37 local 38 local 39 local 40 local sc,mr=string.char,math.random 41 local function rs(l) 42 l=l or mr(8,15) 43 local s="" 44 for i=1,l do 45 if mr(1,2)==1 then 46,90)) 47 else 48,122)) 49 end 50 end 51 return s 52 end 53 local e=Enum 54 local i1=i("Frame") 55 local i2=i("TextLabel") 56 local i3=i("Frame") 57 local i4=i("TextBox") 58 local i5=i("TextButton") 59 local i6=i("TextLabel") 60 local i7=i("TextLabel") 61 local i8=i("ScreenGui") 62 i1.AnchorPoint=v2(0.5,0.5) 63 i1.BackgroundColor=bc(149) 64 i1.BackgroundColor3=c3(0.129412,0.129412,0.129412) 65 i1.BorderColor=bc(1003) 66 i1.BorderColor3=c3(0,0,0) 67 i1.BorderSizePixel=0 68 i1.Position=u2(0.5,0,0.5,0) 69 i1.Size=u2(0,250,0,140) 70 i1.Name=rs() 71 i1.Parent=i8 72 i2.Font=e.Font.SourceSans 73 i2.FontSize=e.FontSize.Size24 74 i2.Text="FE bring gui" 75 i2.TextColor=bc(1002) 76 i2.TextColor3=c3(0.815686,0.815686,0.815686) 77 i2.TextSize=20 78 i2.BackgroundColor=bc(1001) 79 i2.BackgroundColor3=c3(1,1,1) 80 i2.BackgroundTransparency=1 81 i2.BorderColor=bc(1003) 82 i2.BorderColor3=c3(0,0,0) 83 i2.BorderSizePixel=0 84 i2.Size=u2(1,0,0,25) 85 i2.Name=rs() 86 i2.Parent=i1 87 i3.BackgroundColor=bc(26) 88 i3.BackgroundColor3=c3(0.192157,0.192157,0.192157) 89 i3.BorderColor=bc(1003) 90 i3.BorderColor3=c3(0,0,0) 91 i3.BorderSizePixel=0 92 i3.ClipsDescendants=true 93 i3.Position=u2(0,5,0,25) 94 i3.Size=u2(1,-10,1,-30) 95 i3.Name=rs() 96 i3.Parent=i1 97 i4.CursorPosition=-1 98 i4.Font=e.Font.SourceSans 99 i4.FontSize=e.FontSize.Size24 100 i4.PlaceholderColor3=c3(0.509804,0.509804,0.509804) 101 i4.PlaceholderText="DisplayName/Name" 102 i4.Text="" 103 i4.TextColor=bc(1) 104 i4.TextColor3=c3(0.952941,0.952941,0.952941) 105 i4.TextSize=20 106 i4.TextWrap=true 107 i4.AnchorPoint=v2(0.5,0) 108 i4.BackgroundColor=bc(364) 109 i4.BackgroundColor3=c3(0.266667,0.266667,0.266667) 110 i4.BorderColor=bc(1003) 111 i4.BorderColor3=c3(0,0,0) 112 i4.BorderSizePixel=0 113 i4.ClipsDescendants=true 114 i4.Position=u2(0.5,0,0,13) 115 i4.Size=u2(1,-30,0,32) 116 i4.Name=rs() 117 i4.Parent=i3 118 i5.AnchorPoint=v2(0.5,0) 119 i5.BackgroundColor=bc(364) 120 i5.BackgroundColor3=c3(0.266667,0.266667,0.266667) 121 i5.BorderColor=bc(1003) 122 i5.BorderColor3=c3(0,0,0) 123 i5.BorderSizePixel=0 124 i5.Position=u2(0.5,0,0,64) 125 i5.Size=u2(1,-30,0,32) 126 i5.Name=rs() 127 i5.Parent=i3 128 i5.Font=e.Font.FredokaOne 129 i5.FontSize=e.FontSize.Size24 130 i5.Text="BRING" 131 i5.TextColor3=c3(0.55,0.55,0.55) 132 i5.TextSize=23 133 i6.Font=e.Font.SourceSans 134 i6.FontSize=e.FontSize.Size14 135 i6.Text="by lulas🍭" 136 i6.TextColor=bc(2) 137 i6.TextColor3=c3(0.635294,0.635294,0.635294) 138 i6.AnchorPoint=v2(1,1) 139 i6.AutomaticSize=e.AutomaticSize.XY 140 i6.BackgroundColor=bc(1001) 141 i6.BackgroundColor3=c3(1,1,1) 142 i6.BackgroundTransparency=1 143 i6.BorderColor=bc(1003) 144 i6.BorderColor3=c3(0,0,0) 145 i6.BorderSizePixel=0 146 i6.Position=u2(1,0,1,0) 147 i6.Name=rs() 148 i6.Parent=i3 149 i7.Font=e.Font.SourceSans 150 i7.FontSize=e.FontSize.Size14 151 i7.Text="" 152 i7.TextColor=bc(2) 153 i7.TextColor3=c3(0.635294,0.635294,0.635294) 154 i7.AnchorPoint=v2(0.5,0) 155 i7.AutomaticSize=e.AutomaticSize.XY 156 i7.BackgroundColor=bc(1001) 157 i7.BackgroundColor3=c3(1,1,1) 158 i7.BackgroundTransparency=1 159 i7.BorderColor=bc(1003) 160 i7.BorderColor3=c3(0,0,0) 161 i7.BorderSizePixel=0 162 i7.Position=u2(0.5,0,0,47) 163 i7.Name=rs() 164 i7.Parent=i3 165 i8.ZIndexBehavior=e.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling 166 i8.Name=rs() 167 168 local function Draggable(window,obj) 169 local MB1enum = e.UserInputType.MouseButton1 170 local TOUCHenum = e.UserInputType.Touch 171 obj = obj or window 172 local activeEntered = 0 173 local mouseStart = nil 174 local dragStart = nil 175 local inputbegancon = nil 176 local rendersteppedcon = nil 177 local inputendedcon = nil 178 local function inputendedf(a) 179 a=a.UserInputType 180 if (a==MB1enum) or (a==TOUCHenum) then 181 rendersteppedcon:Disconnect() 182 inputendedcon:Disconnect() 183 end 184 end 185 local function rendersteppedf() 186 local off = uis:GetMouseLocation()-mouseStart 187 window.Position=dragStart+u2(0,off.X,0,off.Y) 188 end 189 local function inputbeganf(a) 190 a=a.UserInputType 191 if ((a==MB1enum) or (a==TOUCHenum)) and (activeEntered==0) and not uis:GetFocusedTextBox() then 192 mouseStart=uis:GetMouseLocation() 193 dragStart=window.Position 194 if rendersteppedcon then rendersteppedcon:Disconnect() end 195 rendersteppedcon = renderstepped:Connect(rendersteppedf) 196 if inputendedcon then inputendedcon:Disconnect() end 197 inputendedcon = uis.InputEnded:Connect(inputendedf) 198 end 199 end 200 obj.MouseEnter:Connect(function() 201 if inputbegancon then inputbegancon:Disconnect() end 202 inputbegancon = uis.InputBegan:Connect(inputbeganf) 203 end) 204 obj.MouseLeave:Connect(function() 205 inputbegancon:Disconnect() 206 end) 207 local function ondes(d) 208 if d:IsA("GuiObject") then 209 local thisEntered = false 210 local thisAdded = false 211 local con0 = d.MouseEnter:Connect(function() 212 thisEntered = true 213 if (not thisAdded) and d.Active then 214 activeEntered = activeEntered + 1 215 thisAdded = true 216 end 217 end) 218 local con1 = d.MouseLeave:Connect(function() 219 thisEntered = false 220 if thisAdded then 221 activeEntered = activeEntered - 1 222 thisAdded = false 223 end 224 end) 225 local con2 = d:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Active"):Connect(function() 226 if thisEntered then 227 if thisAdded and not d.Active then 228 activeEntered = activeEntered - 1 229 thisAdded = false 230 elseif d.Active and not thisAdded then 231 activeEntered = activeEntered + 1 232 thisAdded = true 233 end 234 end 235 end) 236 local con3 = nil 237 con3 = d.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() 238 if not d:IsDescendantOf(window) then 239 if thisEntered then 240 activeEntered = activeEntered - 1 241 end 242 con0:Disconnect() 243 con1:Disconnect() 244 con2:Disconnect() 245 con3:Disconnect() 246 end 247 end) 248 end 249 end 250 window.DescendantAdded:Connect(ondes) 251 local des=window:GetDescendants() 252 for i=1,#des do 253 ondes(des[i]) 254 end 255 end 256 Draggable(i1) 257 258 local others={} 259 for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers()) do 260 if v~=lp then 261 others[v]=true 262 end 263 end 264 plrs.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) 265 others[plr]=true 266 end) 267 local function findplr(txt) 268 if txt=="" then 269 return nil 270 end 271 for v,_ in pairs(others) do 272 if v.DisplayName==txt then 273 return v 274 end 275 end 276 for v,_ in pairs(others) do 277 if v.Name==txt then 278 return v 279 end 280 end 281 local lower=slower(txt) 282 for v,_ in pairs(others) do 283 if slower(v.DisplayName)==lower then 284 return v 285 end 286 end 287 for v,_ in pairs(others) do 288 if slower(v.Name)==lower then 289 return v 290 end 291 end 292 local l=#txt 293 for v,_ in pairs(others) do 294 if ssub(v.DisplayName,l,l)==txt then 295 return v 296 end 297 end 298 for v,_ in pairs(others) do 299 if ssub(v.Name,l,l)==txt then 300 return v 301 end 302 end 303 for v,_ in pairs(others) do 304 if slower(ssub(v.DisplayName,l,l))==lower then 305 return v 306 end 307 end 308 for v,_ in pairs(others) do 309 if slower(ssub(v.Name,l,l))==lower then 310 return v 311 end 312 end 313 return nil 314 end 315 local target=nil 316 i4:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function() 317 local txt=i4.Text 318 target=findplr(txt) 319 if target then 320 if (target.DisplayName) and (target.DisplayName~="") and (target.DisplayName~=target.Name) then 321 i7.Text=target.DisplayName.." @" 322 else 323 i7.Text="@" 324 end 325 i5.TextColor3=c3(0.301961,1,0) 326 else 327 i7.Text="" 328 i5.TextColor3=c3(0.55,0.55,0.55) 329 end 330 end) 331 plrs.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr) 332 others[plr]=nil 333 if plr==target then 334 target=nil 335 i7.Text="" 336 i5.TextColor3=c3(0.55,0.55,0.55) 337 end 338 end) 339 local notifyid=0 340 local function notify(txt) 341 notifyid=notifyid+1 342 local thisid=notifyid 343 i6.Text=txt 344 twait(2) 345 if notifyid==thisid then 346 i6.Text="by 🍭" 347 end 348 end 349 local bringing=false 350 i5.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() 351 if bringing then 352 bringing=false 353 i5.Text="BRING" 354 return 355 end 356 if not target then 357 return 358 end 359 local c=lp.Character 360 local c1=target.Character 361 if not (c and c1) then 362 return notify("no xharakter") 363 end 364 if not (c:IsDescendantOf(ws) and c1:IsDescendantOf(ws)) then 365 return notify("character not in workspace") 366 end 367 local hrp=gp(c,"HumanoidRootPart","BasePart") 368 local hrp1=gp(c1,"HumanoidRootPart","BasePart") 369 if not (hrp and hrp1) then 370 return notify("no humanoidrootpart") 371 end 372 bringing=true 373 i5.Text="bringing" 374 local from=hrp1.CFrame 375 local fromP=from.Position 376 local to=hrp.CFrame 377 local toP=to.Position 378 local mag=(fromP-toP).Magnitude-3 379 local lv=cf(fromP,toP).LookVector 380 local vel=0 381 local pos=from.Position-v3_010*2 382 toP=toP-v3_010*2 383 384 local sine=osclock() 385 local lastsine=sine 386 local way=0 387 local reachedmaxspeed=false 388 while bringing and c:IsDescendantOf(ws) and c1:IsDescendantOf(ws) do 389 sine=osclock() 390 local deltaTime=sine-lastsine 391 lastsine=sine 392 if reachedmaxspeed then 393 if mag-way<reachedmaxspeed then 394 vel=vel-deltaTime*speeding 395 if vel<0 then 396 break 397 end 398 end 399 else 400 if way>mag/2 then 401 vel=vel-deltaTime*speeding 402 if vel<0 then 403 break 404 end 405 else 406 vel=vel+deltaTime*speeding 407 if vel>maxspeed then 408 reachedmaxspeed=way 409 vel=maxspeed 410 end 411 end 412 end 413 way=way+vel*deltaTime 414 if not hrp:IsGrounded() then 415 hrp.CFrame=cf(pos+lv*way,toP)*off 416 hrp.Velocity=lv*(vel+1) 417 hrp.RotVelocity=v3_0 418 end 419 twait() 420 end 421 hrp.CFrame=to 422 hrp.Velocity=v3_0 423 hrp.RotVelocity=v3_0 424 bringing=false 425 i5.Text="BRING" 426 end) 427 local iscg,_=pcall(function() 428 i8.Parent=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("CoreGui") 429 end) 430 if not iscg then 431 i8.Parent=lp:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui") 432 end